「海錯」の「錯」とは、多種多様な生物の意味です。 清朝時代の画家で生物学愛好家でもあった聶璜が描いた『海錯図』は、無脊椎動物門と脊索動物門の主要なグループのほとんどを網羅する300種以上の生物と、沿岸植物が多数描かれており、とても貴重で不思議な本です。 しかし、本には、聶璜が実際に見たことのない動物の描写もあり、他人の記述に基づいて描いた動物の外見は実際の動物とは大きく異なります。 また、生き物の習性についても、正しい記述もあれば間違った記述もあります。 そのため、著者の張辰亮は、遼寧省、福建省、広東省、広西チワン族自治区、天津、日本、タイなどを旅して資料を集め、聶璜の文章や絵画から手がかりを発見し、信憑性を見極め、本書の30篇にまとめました。
The "illusion(错)" in "sea illusion(海错)" means a wide variety of organisms. The "Iiiustrations of Ocean Creatures" painted by the Qing dynasty painter and biology enthusiast Nie Huang, is a very valuable and mysterious book, depicting more than 300 species of organisms covering most of the major groups in the phylum invertebrata and chordata, as well as a large number of coastal plants. However, the book also includes descriptions of animals that Nie Huang had never seen in person, and the appearance of the animals depicted based on the descriptions of others differs greatly from the actual animals. Also, some descriptions of the creatures' habits are correct, while others are incorrect. Therefore, the author, Zhang Chenliang, traveled to Liaoning, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Tianjin, Japan, Thailand, and other places to collect materials, found clues in Nie's writings and paintings, determined their authenticity, and wrote the 30 articles in this book.
Language: Chinese
Binding: Softbound
Pages: 240